Lobby links Covid-19 lockdown to high number of teen pregnancies

By Tony Wafula

A lobby group in Bungoma County has decried the increased teenage pregnancies amid Covid-19 pandemic.

Bungoma is listed among the counties with high number of teenage pregnancies recorded during Covid-19 lockdown.

Speaking to the press after holding a two day workshop, Mbuki Mburu, County and National Coordinator of Sauti Sasa lobby group that advocates against teenage pregnancy in the country said that the organization is working with different organizations to ensure that the issue of teen pregnancy is addressed and it’s ended in the country.

Mbuki, said that during Covid-19 lockdown many schoolgirls were unable to report back to school not because of lack of school fees but because they were impregnated.

“During Covid-19 lockdown many schoolgirls’ lives were ruined by perpetrators who were prey after school going girls. That is why I decided to hold such a forum to include all stakeholders so that we can find a lasting solution to this menace,” she said.

However, she said that the organization engages county government and national government decision makers adding that her organization has formed groups in the all-counties to advocate against teen pregnancy.

She said that in ending teenage pregnancy we should have a robust referral system to rescue.

She asked the government to equip Ndengelwa Gender Based Violence Center so that teen mothers are rescued and their lives saved.

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