Listen to Gen Z, Mwingi reverend appeals to government

Global Vision Church Mwingi Reverend Mike Munyasia Mbutu. Photo: courtesy.

Global Vision Church Mwingi Reverend Mike Munyasia Mbutu while condoling with the families of the young souls lost during anti-Finance Bill demonstrations has pointed out that these are heroes of the second or third liberation of this country.

Mbutu, who is also KNUT Executive Secretary Mwingi branch, added that it was a patriotic kind of a thing, life being laid down for the country.

He noted that times and seasons belong to God and he thinks that the Gen Z demonstrations has been occasioned by God to bring the justice to the end, streamline the operations of the government and every department of our society.

Also to understand that we need to lead with integrity, honesty and the fear of God and serve the citizens as one ought to do when given leadership opportunity.


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“Time has come that guidance and counseling takes the preeminence. These kids needs to be talked to, they need to be given the reason as to why we are taking whatever the action on them,” said Mbutu.

The reverend added that it is no longer business as usual where they would be ignored. The country belongs to all of us and everyone must be held accountable.

He called upon parents and teachers to understand the generation and the times that we are living in. He noted that this is the same generation that were not caned in school and the issue of child rights was strongly brought up reminding the country that generation is now in the streets.

“We need to handle them with a lot of care and understanding, collaborate and allow them to express themselves. They understand how things should be done better,” he said.

He thanked God for them as they are putting things right that other generations never did, wishing that they are fully engaged and listened to since they can’t sit and watch their future being destroyed.

By Lydia Ngoolo


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