Let us all support learners to reach their full potential

Children enjoy a meal in school. Learners need support in various forms to be able to succeed in their studies.

Every child deserves a chance to succeed in school, but many students face challenges that make it hard for them to learn. These challenges often come from financial difficulties, family issues, or a lack of resources. It is important for our communities to come together to support these needy students.

One of the biggest obstacles for students in need is access to basic supplies. Many children cannot afford school materials like books, notebooks, or even lunch. When students lack these essentials, it becomes difficult for them to focus on their studies. Schools and local organizations can help by setting up programmes to provide free supplies and meals. For example, backpack drives can collect donations of school items, while lunch programmes can ensure every child has a nutritious meal.

In addition to physical supplies, emotional support is also crucial. Many students deal with stress at home, which can affect their school performance. Mentorship programmes can make a big difference. By pairing students with caring adults who can listen and guide them, we can help them feel valued and understood. These mentors can offer advice, help with homework, and encourage students to pursue their goals.

Tutoring programmes are another way to support needy students. Many children struggle with certain subjects, and personalized help can greatly improve their understanding. Community volunteers or older students can offer their time to tutor those who need extra assistance. This not only helps students academically but also builds confidence.


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Furthermore, it is important to raise awareness about the challenges faced by needy students. schools can hold workshops or talks to educate parents and community members about the importance of support. When people understand the issues, they are more likely to get involved and contribute. Local businesses can also play a vital role. They can sponsor events, donate supplies, or offer scholarships for students who excel despite their circumstances. By investing in the future of our youth, businesses help create a stronger community.

Supporting needy students is a shared responsibility that requires action from everyone. By providing supplies, emotional support, tutoring, and raising awareness, we can help these students thrive. When we work together, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed in school and in life. Let’s create a brighter future for all students, no matter their background.

By Tonny Kyule and Titus Mutisya 

The writers are students at Rongo University.

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