Let literature be taught in our primary schools, author says

By Andanje Wakhungu

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has been urged to identify teachers who can teach creative writing in order to assist pupils in creative writing.

This is according to Enock Shirandula, a scholar and writer who notes all the three genres of literature should be taught in early years of education.

The writer said it was important for children to learn and know that great novels, plays and poetry are written by ordinary humans like themselves.   

Shirandula, a former educationist, says literature is important as it will assist to develop a reading culture as well as build children’s cognitive abilities.

“Let children understand that real people like them are behind scripting and production of television drama series they watch at home,” he said.

He said by nurturing them, it is possible for them to become great writers.

Shirandula observed that for it to happen, teachers should be on the forefront in creative writing, hence the TSC should identify, support and incentivize teachers.

“Teachers who are competent creative writers will bring out children who are also competent in the same sphere and besides the TSC, publishing firms, media outlets, and renowned and established authors should focus more on having programmes where young authors are identified early and nurtured accordingly,” he stated.

There is also need for financial institutions to come up with writing competitions that reward the best as this will attract more competition and increase the urge to become writers and actualize their dreams.

“As a way of preserving our culture, vernacular media outlets and other media of exchange should consider airing the works of these children as one way of educating, informing and entertaining audiences,” he added.

He further said that writers like Ngugi Wa Thiong’o with their undying passion for the redemption and preservation of the indigenous languages should organize prize writing competitions for school children and have some of their works published.

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