Learning suspended at Kakamega school over land tussle

school land

Residents of Shinyalu constituency are entangled in a battle over the land where Shavirotsi Complex Primary School was built.

Led by former councilor at Kakamega County Council Mark Ashiono, one of the groups moved to court seeking to either demolish the school from the land or be compensated.

Despite the court ruling in their favour, the group hasn’t received any compensation, a situation that has led to the aggrieved families invading the institution during holidays, tilling the land and planting farm produce.

The residents claimed they had repossessed the land and wouldn’t allow the school to reopen for second term.

On the other hand, the group supporting the existence of the institution  staged a raid demanding for the reopening of the school, further claiming the land in question was donated by elders of the contesting families.

Tempers then flew high resulting to three people being slashed with machetes by angry villagers.

They are currently nursing injuries at the Kakamega County Referral Hospital.

Several houses were torched and property of unknown value destroyed and looted.

Shinyalu MP Fred Ikana said he was seeking ways of resolving the matter permanently but urged the aggrieved families to let the school continue operating.

By Denis Lumiti

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