Learning paralysed as Mokomoni Secondary students in Kisii demonstrate, want principal out

Mokomoni Secondary School demonstrate over the weekend

Parents from Kenyenya Sub-county in Kisii have blamed students from Mokomoni Secondary School for demonstrating on the roads during the weekend over the manner the Principal is running the school.

They wondered how the students could take the law into their hands and walk for more than 10 kilometres to Kenyenya Sub-county Director of Education office to present their grievances.

“It is dangerous for our teen children especially girls to leave school in the name of protests during the weekend when their problems could have been solved amicably at school,” said a Parent Joseph Miruka.

He appealed to learners to embrace dialogue whenever they felt offended because violence leads to regrettable destruction.

The students who chanted slogans against their Principal Ezra Ombaso rubbed shoulders with cattle traders along the busy Magenche-Kenyenya road leading to Mogonga during a market on Sunday July 7.


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When they reached Kenyenya education director’s office, they found it closed because it was a weekend with no one to attend to them.

They residents gathered at Kenyenya sports ground and threatened to attack the learners as they chanted war songs and dirges.

It was at this point that residents threatened to beat them then they retreated to their school.

They were not ready to reveal their grievances to anybody but the director of education.

“Our problems are many even if we tell you cannot count them,” shouted one student.

Efforts to reach the Principal did not succeed as the phone calls went unanswered.

Kenyenya Director of Education George Ouma said that he officers had gone to the ground to find the cause of unrest in the school.

“I appeal to the students to obey their teachers and return to class,” he said.

By Enock Okong’o

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