Leaders outcry over delayed supply of sanitary pads to schools

By Andanje Wakhungu

Kakamega women representative Elsie Muhanda has hit at the national government through the Ministry of Education for failing to steadily supply pads to girls in both primary and secondary schools.

She said the inconsistent supply had led to girls missing out on lessons on a monthly basis.

‘The women representatives are in a better position to know the number of pads needed at each ward level. We can receive the sanitary funds through the National Government Affirmative Action Fund (NGAAF) and allocate the towels to the schools.

Muhanda revealed that her office has assisted over 300 early mothers who have returned to school by paying for their school fees and providing food to their young ones.

South Kabras Assistant County Commissioner (ACC) Emmanuel Kenga warned parents against withholding their children from going to school saying if found, they would face consequences.

‘I’m calling upon the local administration to launch surveillance to nab such parents immediately as there is free primary and free day secondary education fully funded by the government of Kenya,’ he said.

The administrator lauded the Malava Constituency Development Funds (CDF) for its commitment to ensuring that bursaries are distributed to needy students.

‘We are going to mount daily operations on the brewers to curb the vice completely as it was interfering with the education of our children, ’Kenga said, warning brewers against selling the illicit drinks to school children.

Former Kakamega senator, Dr. Boni Khalwale blamed the area political leaders for not remitting CDF in time forcing parents not to educate their children.

He particularly singled out Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya for frustrating the MCAs by not allocating the agreed ward kitties making it impossible for learning to commence in their respective areas.

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