Lamu residents stage protests after police allegedly shot student


The Hindi-Mombasa road has been brought to a standstill after residents of Mkowe in Lamu county staged protests following the death of a form 3 student who was allegedly shot by a police officer on Sunday night.

According to his family, Mohammed Shee was walking home after attending a wedding in Mkowe in the company of a female cousin, who was not harmed.

The area residents, mostly from the Hindi and Mokowe communities, took to the streets blocking the road with stones and twigs.

The demonstrations were cut short after police lobbed tear gas canisters to disperse the rioters.

Reports indicate that Shee was shot in the the left shoulder, with the bullet exiting from his right side, causing fatal injuries.

The Lamu County Security Committee is now actively investigating the incident.

“In light of this development, the committee is urging residents to remain calm and cooperate with the ongoing security operations in the area,” said the committee leader.

Lamu Justice Network CEO Mr Yunus Is’hakia also expressed concern over the incident, and demanded swift action from the Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA).

By Thuita Jaswant

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