Lack of funds to frustrate national exams

By Roy Hezron

KUPPET Vihiga branch has raised an alarm over the plans by the Ministry of Education to release the next tranche of Free Education Funds in April 2022. Report is indicating that the government is set to disburse these funds after the national exams.

Speaking to Education News in his office this morning, KUPPET Vihiga Executive Secretary Sabala Inyeni lamented at this move, which he feared could deny schools a substantive amounts in that allocation.

“We are aware that the government broke down these payments in four instalments. But releasing the funds after the KCSE exams will mean that each school will receive less money, now that the form four students will already be out of the institutions,” said Sabala.

The government uses the NEMIS system in determining the amount of money to send per school. In this system, money is allocated per child.

“The more the students, the more the money! What about the form fours who will have left behind huge debts in their previous stations? Will the govt allow the schools to surcharge them?” paused Sabala.

Meanwhile, Ibubi Girls High School in Vihiga County has been closed after students complained of high handedness from the school principal, Madam Roseline Ali. Several students spent a night outside their hostels after claims of rampant  lesbianism had rocked the school. The school board of management released students who felt insecure, leaving behind a handful, mostly candidates.

“We have asked our members to remain calm as this matter is being handled by the relevant education offices. We hope normalcy will return soon, so that our candidates can focus on exams,” said  Sabala.

The efforts of reaching the Principal for a comment failed since neither of our calls nor SMS sent to her number were responded to by the time of publishing the story.

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