Kwale needs 100 more teachers

By Tsozungu Kiombe

The government has been asked to post 100 teachers to Kwale County to address the teacher shortage in schools in the region.

Speaking to Education News from Kwale town recently, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Executive secretary Kadiri Mwakodi attributed the poor performance in national examinations to lack of teachers.

He f said that the government should employ more teachers and deploy them to the county to enhance delivery of quality education.

 “Lack of teachers in schools will discourage children from attending school”, Mr. Mwakodi explained.

He also asked all education stakeholders in the county to cooperate fully and support education programmes.

He said they should provide essential physical learning facilities in schools to enable school children to learn in conducive environment.

“Many schools in the county lack the necessary learning facilities, forcing children to sit on dusty floors, stones and logs while learning,” he said.

He asked parents to take all their children to school regardless of gender because the county needs educated people who will be charged with the responsibility of planning, designing and implementing community development projects.

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