Kwale governor pledges continued support for students in the county

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani rewards a student during a prize giving ceremony at Kwale High School in Matuga Sub-County on Wednesday, July 31, 2024./ Photos by Ismail Fuad

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani has pledged to continue investing and supporting the education sector in the region through bursaries and scholarships.

The governor, while speaking during a prize giving ceremony at Kwale High School in Matuga Cub-County on Wednesday, July 31, 2024, said her administration is committed to ensuring that every child receives quality education.

She said in the last financial year the county allocated Ksh500 million for the bursary and sponsorship programme to assist underprivileged children get education.

“The future of our children is paramount, and we are dedicated to providing them with the resources they need to succeed academically,” said Achani.

She said already Ksh 455 million of the Ksh500M has been disbursed to various institutions with national school students benefiting a sum total of Ksh190 million.

Achani noted that Kwale High School received Ks36 million in form of bursaries this year, which has supported 831 students at the institution.

She further stressed that her administration aims to address educational disparities and create opportunities for all students, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds. This she said, will be achieved by working hand in hand with the national government to improve school infrastructure, providing educational materials, hiring and enhancing teachers’ training.

“I will also work closely with the national government to ensure our programs reach even those in the most remote areas,” she said.

She said the focus on education aligns with her broader vision for development and economic growth in Kwale.

Kwale Governor Fatuma Achani rewards top students during a prize giving ceremony at Kwale High School

At the same time, Teacher Service Commission (TSC) Chairman Jamleck Muturi told the students that success stems from a combination of various factors.

He said that achieving success requires constant hard work, resilience, adaptability, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.


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Muturi encouraged students to embrace challenges and view setbacks as opportunities for growth.

“Every obstacle you encounter is a chance to learn and improve. The ability to adapt and persevere through difficulties will set you apart and pave the way for your future successes,” he said.

The School’s Principal Micheal Mutuaon his end expressed his sincere gratitude to the governor for her unwavering support of education, not only at Kwale High School but throughout the entire county.

He said the governor’s dedication to advancing education through initiatives like the Elimu Ni Sasa bursary program is remarkable.

Governor Fatuma Achani, TSC chair Jamleck Muturi, School Principal Michael Mutua , teachers , and students in a group photo during a prize giving ceremony at Kwale High School in Matuga Sub-County on Wednesday, July 31, 2024.

“We deeply appreciate the Governor’s commitment to enhancing educational opportunities and supporting our institution in this significant way,” he said.

The institution last year achieved notable academic success in KCSE where three students produced straight A plan, with 24 others earning A-, 87 securing B+, 114 receiving B, 88 obtaining B-, 27 achieving C+, and 3 scoring C.

They managed a mean score of 8.979 (B plain) , surpassing their previous year’s mean score of 8.395 (B-).

By Ismail Fuad

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