KUSNET strikes deal with TSC to move 6,000 teachers to special schools

KUSNET Secretary General James Torome. The union has struck a deal with TSC to move 6,000 teachers from regular schools to SNE.

A total 6,000 Special Needs Education (SNE) teachers who had applied to be moved from regular schools to SNE institutions will have their wish honoured after a deal was reached between Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET).

In a meeting between KUSNET and TSC in Naivasha on April 8, 2024, TSC agreed to move the teachers in three phases starting May, 2024.

Speaking to Education News, KUSNET Secretary General James Torome revealed that the first phase will involve a total of 1750 teachers who will be deployed in May 2024, while the second phase will involve 2,000 teachers to be deployed by December, 2024.

The third phase of 2,200 teachers will be deployed by July 2025, upon which all will start earning their special allowance of Ksh10,000 on top of their basic monthly salary.

Besides, a total of 347 who initially were in special needs institutions but later decamped to regular schools will be reinstated to their former designations.

What happened with this group of teachers is that despite them moving to regular schools, they continued earning special allowances. Nevertheless, Torome disclosed, they will not be surcharged but will continue earning the allowances as they had before.

Torome further said that those teachers in special units in regular schools will now be exempted from teaching and other responsibilities to fully focus on the special units.

In their deliberations, TSC agreed to create an SNE section at the headquarters to deal with SNE teachers, which will be staffed with personnel with SNE knowledge.

Torome urged the SNE teachers to discharge their duties effectively and show commitment to SNE, asking those who have SNE qualifications and are still in regular schools to apply for redeployment to SNE.


Teaching under CBC is more than just showing up for work

By Roy Hezron

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