Kuria East NGCDF gives Ksh50M to needy in varsity

Kuria East MP Marwa Kitayama.

Kuria East NGCDF has given 50 million shillings to assist bright students from poor families to continue with their university education.

Speaking at Kerongorori town, area MP Marwa Kitayama expressed joy that his vision of seeing more students from the area getting university education was becoming a reality.

“When I was seeking the parliamentary seat, in my development agenda was to increase the number of students joining university from this area through financial support and I can see my dream is coming to pass,” the excited MP said.

He appealed to all residents to join hands and aim at supporting education development instead of engaging in divisive politics, which retard progress.

He said since he was elected, his office had constructed seven secondary schools that are now functional with modern infrastructure and enough teachers.

He named Kemotoba, Nyabikongori and Nyanagingo as some of the new schools that were constructed using the NGCDF funds.

He asked parents to value the education of the girl-child like the same way they value that of the boy-child.

“Our daughters who are regarded as family assets can be more useful if we encourage them to discard old practices like FGM and add value to them by giving them quality education,” he said.

Kitayama said he will use his influence to liaise with Migoro County Government to map out the best way of providing enough clean water to schools and hospitals.

He appealed to the Teacher Service Commissioner (TSC) to consider posting more secondary school teachers to the region.

By Enock Okong’o

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