KUPPET Vihiga opposes Finance Bill 2023, asks for salary raise instead

KUPPET salary politicians management

The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Vihiga branch has joined other education stakeholders to reject the Finance Bill 2023 that will subject all civil servants to a 3 per cent salary cut to fund the national housing scheme.

In a letter to the Clerk of the National Assembly dated May 8, the branch Executive Secretary Sabala Inyeni instead asked the government to increase their salaries as promised in last year’s campaign manifesto.

“Take note that all our 2,503 KUPPET members in Vihiga county are strongly opposed to this bill in its entirety. Instead, our members are waiting for the government to offer a pay increase as promised in their own campaign manifesto,” reads the letter in part.

Sabala said that if implemented, the Bill will hurt the economic situation of KUPPET members to unimaginable irredeemable levels as currently they are unable to meet their daily needs due to the high cost of living.

Furthermore, he lamented that the government has come up with a very ambitious housing plan without public participation and whose mode of implementation is not only unreasonable but equally outrageous.

The KUPPET boss demanded public participation to be done with a view of taking input from taxpayers including their members before effecting amendments to the Bill as diligently due. 

By Thuita Jaswan

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