KUPPET threatens to boycott exam marking over poor preparation

By Erick Nyayiera

The Kenya Union of Post-Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) said they will boycott marking of the KCSE examinations if the government fails to facilitate them properly.

They have vowed to rally their members to reject the call up to marking the exams if the situation of poor facilitation is not addressed. 

Speaking in Kisumu town, Akello Misori, the Secretary General stated that the continued delay by the government in the disbursement of capitation funds to schools was hurting operations at the schools including the on-going KCSE examinations. 

“KUPPET is disappointed with the manner in which national examinations are being conducted. How on earth do you want teachers to administer practical examinations when the government failed to release funds to schools,” Akello said.

The government through the Ministry of Education only managed to send to schools a capitation of Sh1, 300 per learner in the term that just ended which is never sufficient for an effective examination administration.

As regards the marking of exams, the union said that the marking centers were too squeezed against the COVID-19 pandemic requirements.

He asked the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) to consider creating ample spaces for markers.

Said Akello “The third wave of this pandemic is so serious, KNEC has the responsibility to move with speed and re-open the marking centers that were closed to ensure that teachers follow the Covid-19 protocols while undertaking the exercise.”

The union according to Misori has presented the grievances to the Ministry of Education and KNEC on their demands failure which teachers shall not report to the marking centers.

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