KUPPET revisits risk allowance demands for science teachers

KUPPET Deputy Secretary General Moses Ntthurima addresses the press after the AGM in Kisumu.

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Deputy Secretary General Moses Nthurima is of the view that Science teachers must be paid risk allowances as they are exposed to mortal dangers while on duty.

The KUPPET official said the teachers interact with very dangerous chemicals as an occupational hazard, hence the need to pay them risk allowances like in the medical profession.

He further suggested that teachers should also be paid per diem emoluments like their counterparts in the public service, observing that it is only teachers who are exempted from this benefit.

“Teachers report very early in the morning and leave at night and nobody talks about it,” he said, referring to the need to pay them overtime.

Nthurima was speaking in Seme Sub-county during a KUPPET annual general meeting for Kisumu County, where area MP Dr. James Nyikal was the chief guest.

Nthurima said that politicians should stop interfering with the recruitment of teachers, pointing out that such work is the preserve of the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

He said the training of teachers should be reviewed so that it is aligned to changing trends, encouraging those pursuing management to do it right from the university so that they can take up administrative roles from the word go.

On teacher remuneration, Nthurima complained about open discrimination as those working at TSC offices are better paid compared to the common teacher.

By Fredrick Odiero

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