KUPPET officials sue TSC for illegal deductions from female teachers’ pay

TSC CEO Nancy Macharia with KNUT Secretary-General, Collins Oyuu (centre) with KUPPET Secretary-General, Akelo Misori. The organizations they head have been taken to court over illegal deductions on female teachers' pay.

The teacher unions, Kenya Unions of Post- Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) and Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT), are on the spot after five KUPPET officials filed a case in court concerning unauthorized deduction from female teachers by the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) in the last five years.

TSC and Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) as well have been enjoined in the case in which the officials; Paul Rotich of Nandi, William Lengoyiap (Samburu), Robert Miano (Laikipia), Peter Oluoch (Tana River), and Jentrix Ogola (Kisii), want the Employment and Labour Relations Court (ELRC) to find TSC and EACC culpable for the Ksh200 monthly deductions listed as Social Welfare Association (SWA) in the women teachers’ payslip with no name of receiving organization.

“The teachers remain in the dark to date as to whereabouts, the operations, and day- to- day running of the entity that has been religiously receiving their money from the year 2019 without their authorisation. As a result of these illegal deductions, the female teachers affected have had to contend with receiving an even lesser salary, which money is not sufficient to cater for their needs in these harsh economic times,” the petitioners said.

EACC, in reply to the affidavit, has said it is aware if the matter and it is still under investigations. TSC on the other hand says that the petition is based on misrepresentation of facts, employment law and practice.

KNUT is yet to respond.


TSC field staff protest reduced allowances to cover JSS retooling training

By Vostine Ratemo

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