KUPPET Makueni elects new Vice Executive Secretary

By Lydia Ngoolo

Festus Muthoka Mulinge is the new Vice Executive Secretary of Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET), Makueni County Branch after being elected in a by-election held recently during the Branch’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Mr Muthoka replaces the late Thomas Muthondwe who succumbed to an illness shortly after retaining his position in the Branch’s elections held last year.

After the by-election, Mr Muthoka promised to stand with the teachers and guide them when the need arises.

“I call upon teachers to reach to us immediately any issue arises and we will help where we can. We want to work on a friendly basis as we call upon leaders to help in guiding teachers for a conducive working environment,” said Muthoka.

In the elections held last year all the Branch officials swept board including the late Muthondwe.

“Unfortunately we lost one of us immediately after the elections then planned to replace him during our AGM through by-election. The elected official was elected unopposed,” said the Executive Secretary Justus Kimeu.

While congratulating the elected officer Mr. Kimeu wished him well and encouraged him to discharge his mandate and commit to the teachers of Makueni without fear or favor.

However, he decried the teachers shortage in the county and called upon both the national and county governments to intervene and employ more teachers.

Mr Kimeu further urged the government to review the non monetory 2021-2025 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) signed in June 2021 and keep in mind fair renumeration of teachers as well.

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