KUPPET Garissa calls for assurance on permanent hiring of JSS teachers

KUPPET Garissa Executive Secretary Melchizedek Igunza.

KUPPET Garissa has faulted the union leadership for calling off the teachers’ strike without getting a concrete deal for the 46,000 intern teachers in Junior Secondary School (JSS).

Branch Executive Secretary Melchizedek Igunza noted that the interns were able teachers who already underwent internship while doing teaching practice in college or university.

“Their universities certified and qualified the tutors to handle the subjects and students academically and administratively. In addition, it’s unconstitutional to underpay and declare the JSS tutors as interns yet they are already qualified,” he said.

Speaking to Education News in his Ngamia Road office, Igunza also lamented that healthcare provision for teachers was pathetic and for one to be treated one had to contact the insurance provider, failure to which a teacher could succumb to their illness.

He added that it was unfortunate that the insurance service only approved basic prescriptions.

“In cases when one needs referral to better health facilities, the healthcare providers have to be called to give the green light. Sickness does not give warning, what would happen if a teacher needs emergency service in the middle off the night?” he posed.

The branch boss further termed the stagnation in one job group as unconstitutional, saying that TSC was in breach of the code they swore to protect.

Igunza called on TSC to listen to teachers’ grievances and engage in constructive dialogue.

By Amoto Ndiewo

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