KUPPET demands vaccines for teachers

By Norah Musega

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) has urged the government to list teachers as front line Covid-19 pandemic workers.

KUPPET Migori branch chairman Henry Otunga said the services and sacrifices rendered by teachers since October during the peak of the pandemic fits the description of front line workers.

 “The Ministry of Education and Teachers Service Commission (TSC) needs to intervene on the matter,” said Otunga.

Speaking at the burial of former Uriri High School teacher the late Simon Otara, at Kenyenya in Bomachoge constituency, Otunga lamented that social distancing protocols in schools had become difficult to enforce.

“There is congestion in schools due to the 100% transition from primary to secondary schools by learners following the directive given by president Uhuru Kenyatta last year,” said Otunga.

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