KUPPET defends schools sending learners home for fees

Trans Nzoia Branch KUPPET Secretary General Furaha Lusweti.

The Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) in Trans Nzoia has defended school heads in the region against accusations of unnecessarily sending learners home over school fees, attributing their actions to financial strains caused by delayed government funding to schools.

The county’s KUPPET Secretary General LuswetI Furaha criticized the Ministry of Education for not adhering to the 50-30-20 percentage formula in disbursing capitation funds to schools, thereby impeding normal operations in the institutions.

“The Ministry of Education is letting us down by sending funds in a delayed manner, which affects the smooth operation of schools. For instance, we are in Term Two and the remittance for Term One was not received in full,” noted Furaha.

He spoke on the sidelines of the commemoration of Catholic World Education Day, which was held at St Brigid’s Girls National School in Kiminini. The event was overseen by Bishop Henry Juma Odonya.


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Area Governor George Natembeya raised concerns about disparities in lunch funds for day secondary schools, which he stated significantly contribute to learners being sent home, proposing the implementation of a flat rate payment to address this issue.

“School heads shouldn’t be sending learners away over school fees just because of lunch money, as each school can arrange locally with parents on the best approach to handle the matter, including allowing learners to bring packed lunches,” opined Governor Natembeya.

The teachers’ union also accused the Teachers Service Commission of acting illegally after its recent decision to dismiss 742 junior secondary school (JSS) teachers for allegedly absconding duty while on strike to demand permanent employment.

“TSC should revoke the termination letters since the teachers in question were picketing in line with labour rights, which allow employees to advocate for better terms in their places of work,” said Furaha.

By Osborne Benn

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