KUPPET boss dips feet into politics

Kisumu teacher

By Fredrick Odiero

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Kisumu County Executive Secretary Zablon Awange is among members of the teaching profession who have expressed interest to dive into politics.

Mr. Awange is gunning for the Kisumu Central constituency seat as an independent candidate.

The former high school teacher said he has opted to take a stab at the seat currently held by Fred Ouda in order to address the plight of teachers in the constituency.

He said many teachers within the constituency have been going through challenges from insecurity to poor living conditions with no one to speak for them.

“Teachers understand their surroundings more than anybody else and we can therefore do better in terms of representation,” he said.

The official added that many schools suffer from teacher shortages while a number have deficiencies in many areas such as staffing and poor infrastructure.

Awange said he was born, bred and schooled within the constituency thus he fully understood the needs and aspirations of the locals.

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