KUPPET asks KNEC to host exam markers in hotels, not dormitories

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has been asked to treat exam markers with respect by booking them in hotels and not hosting them in school dormitories for the entire period of marking.

Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers (KUPPET) Busia branch Executive Secretary Moffats Okisai has suggested this and various other ways the national examination body can enhance its operations.

In this regard, Okisai says dormitories should strictly be reserved for students and not examiners during marking exercises as it is the case today.

“Secured hotels should guarantee a serene, calm and unruffled environment. Let the old practice of herding examiners in students’ dormitories be discarded forthwith,” he said.

In an open letter to the KNEC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr. David Njeng’ere dated June 9, 2023, Okisai noted that it is heartbreaking to see how teachers are being mistreated by the Council, considering that up to now the 2022 KCSE markers have not been paid.

“As this literature is being written, it’s worth reporting that 2022 contracted KNEC officers have not received their dime. This is (even) after numerous reminders and complaints,” said Okisai in his letter.

According to him, the marking exercise should be decentralized to regions to help promote domestic tourism and the local economies.

Currently, marking of both KCPE and KCSE is centralised in Nairobi and its environs.

“The proposal will be in tandem with the government policy of buy Kenya, build Kenya. KNEC should be making prior arrangements with established hotels in every region for such a national exercise that is fate-determining for the candidates,” said Okisai.

Marking fee

Okisai also notes that KNEC should revise its marking fee per script to a minimum of Ksh500, adding that the proposal can be implemented voluntarily by the Council without any interference from external parties.

“The marking fee per script should be revised to a minimum of Ksh500 … The marking fee has maintained stunted growth for decades,” stated Okisai.

During the marking of the 2022 KCSE, Christian Religious Education (CRE) Paper 1 (313/1) markers at St. Francis Mang’u Girls High School downed their tools on January 10, 2023 over poor remuneration and working conditions.

They said they were being paid Ksh55 for a script compared to their Kiswahili colleagues who got Ksh78 for the same work.

A sample of the rates reveals that English papers were between Ksh57 and Ksh77, Chemistry, Biology and Physics were at between Ksh50 and Ksh52, and Business Studies and Agriculture at Ksh52.

However, teachers who mark Agriculture Paper 3, which is marked at school level, are never paid. Okisai is of the idea that KNEC should recognize and appreciate the contribution of these teachers, together with that of Deputy Centre Managers, and Home Science and Music teachers.

He further proposes KNEC to have a contract with various airlines to airlift teachers to and from the marking centres, instead of the current arrangement where they are forced to travel by road.

“This is possible if a budget has been tabled to Treasury for consideration. The Council must struggle to restore the lost confidence and apathy examiners have developed. Old habits and practices have to be discarded to remain a competitive examining body in the country,” he added.

Further, Okisai notes that the appointment letters of the examiners should clearly specify the expected or anticipated dates of remuneration.

While appearing before the National Assembly’s Education Committee in May 2023, Basic Education Principal Secretary (PS) Belio Kipsang indicated the Ksh1 billion needed to pay the more than 40,000 examiners will be factored in the 2023/24 financial year’s budget.

They already received Ksh20,000 as down payment after completion of the marking exercise.

By Roy Hezron

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