KSSSA nationals returned to Kisii after a back and forth with Kisumu

Nyanza Region Deputy Director of Education Ebby Kegode hands a trophy to one of the best players during the Nyanza Region Secondary Schools Term two competitions flanked by Nyanza Secondary Schools Sports Association Secretary, ( Second right) Tom Odhiambo/ Photo by Enock Okong'o

Football enthusiastic, coaches and schools have demanded clarity from Kenya Secondary Schools Sports Association (KSSSA) on the venue of national championships.

Their concern comes after the venue was reportedly shifted to from Kisii to Kisumu County due to Gusii stadium which was to be used alongside Cardinal Otunga High School and Kisii School play grounds was declared unfit to host the National fete as it is undergoing renovation.

However in the latest turn of events, Nyanza Region Secondary School Sports Association Secretary Tom Odhiambo has confirmed the reversal of the venue.

“I have received news that the venue for KSSSA National Championship Games has been reversed to Kisii. The games will now take place on July 29 up to Wednesday, August 7, 2024.” Read part of the announcement from Odhiambo seen by Education News.


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Odhiambo said that the decision had been reached following thorough inspection of facilities in both Kisumu and Kisii and found Kisii preferable.

“Despite some issues hindering the Nyanza KSSSA Term games, Kisii has been selected as the suitable host for the event.” He said.

The announcement is a huge boost to the residents and businessmen from Kisii County after last week they had channelled their frustrations towards the county boss Simba Arati for the shift of venue to Kisumu for stalling the renovations of the stadium.

They said that the unexpected move will kill the morale of players and fans that have planned for a long time to host the long awaited event in the region.

The businessmen who included hoteliers, transport industry and security firms expressed their horror of inconveniences and how they will balance the expenditure which  they had already incurred in the purchase of meals, repair of vehicles and preparations of extra lodging rooms in readiness to serve and accommodate expected visitors and teams.

By Enock Okong’o

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