KNUT wants Govt to beef up security in Kerio Valley schools

By Kipilat Kaptuya

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) West Pokot and Turkana Branches have called on the government to intervene in the escalating insecurity and heightened tension in the volatile areas.

Recent attacks and killings targeting teachers and learners have inflicted fear and trauma among locals in the troubled Kerio Valley region with many learners and teachers opting to stay at home to avoid bandit attacks, bloody conflicts and constant battles between the warring communities.

The attacks have left more than ten people dead, hundreds of livestock stolen and many families displaced in the region since the year began.

KNUT West Pokot Executive Secretary Martin Sembelo noted that the rising insecurity has caused panic among residents in the area.

“We are afraid of the series of attacks after living for close to three years in peace with our neighbors. We strongly condemn the killings. We need police officers and National Police Reservists (NPRs) in all schools along the border,” he said.

The Chairperson Joel Partich  said many learners and teachers along Turkwel and Chesegon belts have suffered due to border disputes with killings orchestrated by raiders who take advantage of the situation at the border.

He urged teachers to be vigilant and withdraw whenever they are in danger.

“Teachers have no guns and we don’t want them to escape because of fear. We need the Government to move security camps from major towns and deploy officers along borders of warring communities. Why stay in the middle of the country? Let them go where there is work,” he said.

KNUT Turkana County Chairperson Kenyaman Eriong’o called on leaders from both communities to foster peaceful coexistence and give their children a chance to pursue education.

“The situation is delicate and we need our children to be in school. We need all stakeholders to rise up and save this situation that is getting out of hand,” Mr. Eriong’o said.

He urged the government to incorporate teachers and education stakeholders in peace-preaching caravans.

“We have seen politicians and administrators running around to preach peace but have failed. Let the government try us,” he said.

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