KNUT urges KWS to control stray wildlife

By Michael Oduor

A few days after the reopening of schools across the country, concern has been raised over increased human-wildlife conflict in Taita Taveta County.

Speaking to Education News, Taita Taveta County, KNUT executive secretary, Lenox Mshila now wants the KWS to control stray animals from local parks and game reserves to guarantee safety to residents.

Mshila says cases of stray wildlife have increased and if not curbed could affect school-going children in the area. A parent who succumbed to injuries inflicted by an elephant attack was buried on Thursday this week.

“Today we’ve buried one of the parents who was killed by an elephant, leaving behind children who were depending on him for their basic needs and school fees. It is obvious that these children will have challenges since they will be struggling to adapt to the new life without a father,” said Mshila.

He also urged school-going children to walk in groups, so that in case of anything happening to one of them, it is easier for others to report the incident. Parents with young pupils were also advised to take the pupils to and from the school if possible to minimize chances of an attack.

Meanwhile, Mshila applauded schools, teachers and students who performed well in the 2020 KCSE despite challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic during preparation and examination period. 

He termed the good relationship between teachers, parents and students as the factor which led to the good performance, that even though there was no A plain, the number of A- (minus) increased compared to previous years.

“The good relationship that has been between teachers, parents and pupils has made us achieve this. I urge teachers to continue working together and despite the region they come from, let them serve our pupils and students just like they could do in any other place, for better results in the future,” said Mshila.

“We will find a way as a union to appreciate our teachers for the good work they did, and even without that, we will always work together and ensure that our students get the best materials they might need,” added Mshila.

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