KNUT tells TSC to promote teachers

By Joseph Mukubwa

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) has asked the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to promote some of its members who have not been promoted for a long time.
The KNUT National Treasurer Muuo Ndiku lamented that about 20,000 teachers have stagnated in one position despite having upgraded their education in universities.
“Since the year 2014, no promotion has been done by TSC which has greatly affected our teachers. Teachers have gone back to school, retrained and are now very much educated. Let them be motivated by promotions,” said Ndiku.
He added that the TSC should also replace teachers immediately who have left the service for greener pastures, retired or died by local teachers instead of those from far.
He was speaking at Nyeri DEB Primary School grounds in Nyeri town recently after a peaceful by-election to fill several seats which were left vacant after KNUT branch officials joined politics.
Zack Mathenge was elected unopposed as the Nyeri Executive Secretary after the seat was left vacant by the current Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga.
P.M. Mwangi was elected unopposed to fill the treasurer seat which was left vacant by James Kanyugo who was elected as Mahiga ward MCA and also the Nyeri Majority leader.
The national treasurer lamented over regular transfer of teachers saying it is a disservice to them.
“It also takes time for a transferred teacher to adapt to the new environment which might affect performance of the school,” Ndiku added.

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