KNUT tells MP Didmus to apologize over ‘chicken’ remarks

KNUT to boycott eaxmination supervision

By Mutuvi Janet

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Secretary General Collins Henry Oyuu has told  Kimilili Constituency MP Didimus Barasa to apologize to teachers within 14 days over his claims that teachers were taking advantage of the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC)

According to the statement, it is alleged that Mr Barasa uttered disrespectful and demeaning words to teachers regarding the controversial CBC.

“Due to the new education system CBC, teachers have consumed all the chickens from homes in Western region where chicken is treated as sacred and this is creating terror between our members and community. The society feels embarrassed as terrorists taint the good meaning and intentions of their respected profession,” said Barasa as quoted in the statement.

Oyuu stated that the public should shun from tarnishing teachers’ reputation and concentrate on addressing issues that will benefit teachers and help them solve any challenges they are facing. This will help to improve the country’s education standards.

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