KNUT says TSC using rejection of Finance Bill to trash 2021-2025 CBA

Langat speaks in Bomet. KNUT claims Teachers Service Commission wants to use the withdrawal of the Finance Bill as an excuse not to confirm JSS interns and promote teachers/ Photo by Kimutai Langat

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) wants to use the withdrawal of the Finance Bill as an excuse not to confirm JSS interns and promote teachers, Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) now claims.

KUPPET First National vice Chair Malel Langat argued that funds had been set aside for the programmes and there was no excuse not to fulfil the programmes.

Speaking in Tumoyot secondary school in Bomet East recently, he said TSC has also indicated that it might not implement the next phase of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

“Funds had been set aside for the hiring of JSS interns and promotion of teachers. TSC should therefore not use the withdrawal of the finance bill to try to escape,” he said.


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Langat wants all promises fulfilled, saying any contrary decision would disadvantage teachers who have been patient over the years.

Concerning the nomination of Julius Ogamba as Education Cabinet Secretary, The Union welcomed the move, but urged him to prioritize the demands of teachers upon taking over officially.

“We had made it clear that the Education Cabinet Secretary should be someone who is fully qualified. But because the appointment has been made, we welcome the nominee. We just want to ask him to address the demands of teachers upon approval and swearing in,” added Langat.

TSC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Dr Nancy Macharia appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Education, where it emerged that the commission’s recurrent budget has been reduced by KSh10.28 billion.

The commission further said there is a reduction of the development budget by Ksh38 million wholly on government-funded projects.

By Kimutai Langat

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