KNUT officials demand Sossion removal

By Talarus Chesang

Section of Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) officials now demands for the removal of the National Secretary General Wilson Sossion in order to restore sanity in the union.

Officials led by Baringo branch Vice- Chair Musa Kipkoti blamed Sossion for the ongoing stalemate between Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT).

“I have personally done my conclusive research and found that he (Sossion) is the main cause of all the challenges we are currently facing as a union” Kipkoti said today.

He therefore said it is high time the working relationship between TSC and KNUT be reinstated in order to salvage the interests of thousands of Kenyan teachers.

“I am pushing for an immediate reshuffle to be done in the national office and especially have Sossion removed”, he said.

His statement comes barely two months ahead of the KNUT National elections scheduled for June this year.

Kipkoti further blamed Sossion for exerting too much energy to fight the government instead of engaging in amicable dialogue.

He revealed that KNUT officials working in the 110 branches across the country have now gone without salaries for close to 18 months.

“While Sossion comfortably enjoys constant salaries from the national parliament where he was nominated to serve, we continue to suffer”, Kipkoti said.

In June last year TSC withdrew massive number of teachers’ affiliated to KNUT with specific aim to frustrate the union, a thing he said should never happen because of an individual.

Before being frustrated by TSC, Knut previously boasted 180,000 members but currently has paltry 28,000, a figure which doesn’t sustain the monetary remittances and running of the union’s branch offices.

Baringo branch woman representative Esther Cheptumo backed Kipkoti saying it is about time serious changes are done to salvage the crippling union.

She said called upon Sossion to willingly step down for the union to become a live and vibrant again.

“We are what we are today because of unnecessary fights and firm action must be taken to bring things back to normal”, Cheptumo said.  

She called upon teachers across the country to show up and sell their interest to take up the position currently held by Sossion.

“It is so unfortunate that so far no strong candidate has expressed ambition to vie for the position, giving the incumbent a lee way to retain his seat”, Cheptumo said.

But the branch Executive Secretary Joshua Cheptarus is supporting Sossion saying he is a true definition of firm leadership who has stood with the union through thick and thin.

He is backed by the branch chairman Silas Rutto who says despite the growing frustrations by TSC, they shall endeavor to mobilize other officials to support Sossion’s re-election bid.

Sossion who presided over the Baringo branch r elections February 9 warned those officials sabotaging him and the union that they will absolutely face ruthless disciplinary action.

He told teachers to be vigilant in safeguarding their giant union from individuals who do not mean well for their rights.

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