KNUT official says Sossion is ‘power-hungry’

By Enock Okong’o

The Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNU) Kisii branch has accused the National Secretary General Wilson Sossion of leadership hypocrisy and selfishness.

Gucha branch KNUT Executive Secretary Lucy Machuki said the secretary general started well as the true National representative of teachers but at middle of his tenure he got drunk with power.

The secretary general used the teachers’ populace to gain political favours and started biting the fingers that fed him”, said Machuki.

She claimed that Sossion abdicated his duties as a unionist immediately he was nominated by the ODM party to parliament instead of standing for teachers.

She said that Sossion started to look for more political alignments and glory at the expense of teachers who entrusted him with responsibility.

She revealed that teachers especially those from Nyanza region have vowed not to vote for Sossion if he stands to defend his seat in the impending union elections scheduled for next month.

Machuki asked Sossion to step down honourably to avoid the shame from teachers.

She said that Sossion is an intelligent person who should study the signs of the times.

Her message was echoed by the KNUT National Executive Member Hesborn Otieno who confirmed that the top union organs were fed up with Sossion’s style of leadership.

He said that Sossion had started running the union like his personal kiosk and expressed urgent need for his replacement.

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