KNUT kicks off branch elections

By Roy Hezron

It is a week of reckoning. As the majority of the candidates get re-elected others going unopposed in the ongoing Kenya National Union of Teachers elections (KNUT), the ball is on the side of teachers to decide whether they want change or more of the same.   

The union had earlier sets January 4, 2021, but the date had to be postponed to January 9, 2021, as it coincided with the reopening of schools. However, the union sets the elections to be conducted on Saturdays and Sundays of every week from January to March.

By the time they went to press, 16 branches, the majority from Nyanza and Eastern had concluded their branch elections which officially started on Saturday 9th January 2021 with the Bomet branch breaking the ground and expected to end on Saturday 20th March 2021 Sotik branch.

The 16 KNUT branches conducted their branch elections between Saturday 9th January 2021 and Sunday 10th January 2021.

These are; Bomet, Bureti, Baringo, Makueni, Nzaui, Kyuso, Mbooni, Kitui and Mutomo and Siaya and Rarieda which opened the ground on 9th January 2021.

Others are Borabu, Nyamira, Gucha, Manga, and Kisii Central branches on Sunday 10th January 2021 the majority of members are Seventh-day Adventists Church members.

Siaya branch where the current sitting branch Executive Secretary, Mr. Alex Dunga, was elected unopposed. The Chair Mr. Collins Oyuu who graced the opening of the branch elections on Saturday 9th January 2021 at Siaya Central Primary School ground called on teachers to use this year’s national elections to revamp the trade union.

Oyuu who was flanked by several national executive council members said efforts to reduce KNUT membership to render it unrecognizable within the labour laws were being accelerated by some people within the Teachers Service Commission (TSC).

“By June 2019, KNUT had 187,000 members, but as of today, the membership is below 30,000,” lamented the national Chairman adding that the monthly commissions that the once giant union used to receive from the TSC have reduced to about sh15 million from sh145 million.

On the other hand, the union’s Secretary-General Wilson Sossion urged teachers to stand firm and defend the outfit, even as a section of officials want him ousted.

“What you are seeing TSC doing is to make you members shy and run away from the union, which has been in the forefront in fighting for your rights,” Sossion said in Kabarnet, Baringo County, where he oversaw union branch elections on Saturday 9th January 2021.

Bomet branch Executive Secretary Mr Malel Lang’at, was re-elected for the second time flooring Desmond Kibet despite earlier indications that teachers pushed for a new face with all previous officials retaining their positions.

Homabay and Rachuonyo branches in Nyanza region, Mwingi and Embu branches in Eastern region, Kwale, Kinango and Msambweni KNUT branches in Coast region, and Vihiga, Emuhaya and Hamisi branches in Western region will be electing their new officials on 16th January 2021.

Rongo, Migori, Kisumu East and West branches in Nyanza region, Kakamega East, South and Central branches in the Western region, and Kisii South, Masaba and Gucha South in Nyanza region will conduct their elections on 17th January 2021 which will be a Sunday.

On 23rd January 2021, Keiyo, Marakwet; Nandi South, North, East and Central in Rift valley region, Yatta, Machakos, Kangundo and Mwala in Eastern region, and Kiambu East in Central will be electing their new office bearers for their respective branches.  

West Pokot, Nakuru, Olkejuado and Trans Nzoia knut branches in Rift Valley region, Knut branches in Marsabit and Mandera in Eastern and North Eastern regions respectively Bungoma East, North and South branches in the Western region, and Murang’a North and South branches in Central region they will have their branch elections held on 30th January 2021.

Laikipia, Samburu, Mombasa, Lamu, Kilifi and Kaloleni, Gatundu, Thika and Kirinyaga and Suba will have their election on 6th February 2021.

On 13th February 2021 will be the turn of Kipkelion, Trans Mara and Koibatek, Isiolo, Nyambene, Meru Central, Kilindini and Malindi branches, and Busia.

Wareng, Chepkoilel and Eldoret West, Teso, Mt. Elgon, Butere, Lugari, and Kakamega North, Garissa, Meru South and Kibwezi, Nyando, Kiambu West, and Nairobi will have their elections on 27th February 2021.

Narok, Turkana, Mbeere, Tharaka, Moyale Ijara branch in North, Taita Taveta, and Nyandarua North and South will hold their elections on 6th March 2021.

On 13th March 2021, the branch elections will be in Kericho, Tana River, Nyeri Wajir, Bondo, Kuria West and East, and Mumias and Bungoma.

Sotik will close the ground for branch elections on 20th March 2021 to pave way for the commencing of the national elections.

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