KNUT demands pay rise in new CBA

By Staff Reporter

The Kenya National Union of Teachers has demanded a pay rise of up to 200 percent to cushion its members from inflation and Covid-19 effects.

Secretary-General Wilson Sossion recently said the lowest rise in the next Collective Bargaining Agreement should be 120 percent considering that the government had in 2017 agreed to offer tutors between 50-60 percent increment.

“There should be an annual increment of 5.0 percent of the basic salary, house allowance increased by 50 percent and accommodation and night allowance by 50 percent of minimum basic salary. The commuter allowance should be increased by 50 percent, risk allowance by 10 percent and hardship by 10 percent,” said Mr. Sossion.

To push their case, the union wants their employer to immediately begin negotiations for the 2021-2023 CBA, calling for a comprehensive job evaluation for classroom tutors to ensure adequate compensation adding that job evaluation was not done well before the 2017-2021 deal.

“The current CBA only favors teachers in administrative positions, leaving the classroom tutor with little increment over the last four years,” he said.

Sossion also accused the TSC of breaching the law by forwarding the summary of proposals from Knut and Kuppet to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) before negotiations are finalized.

“Before CBA proposals are presented to the SRC, unions ought to have been involved, tabled their proposals and discussed them. The commission should only present the details of discussions and their proposals after we have had our discussions,” said Sossion.

In the October 15 letter, Mr. Sossion asked the SRC not to consider the proposals citing that the right channel was not followed, adding that in the absence of any meeting between the parties and the consultative committee, the steps taken by the TSC would not be supported by law.

He added that Section 13(5) of the TSC Act compels the commission to establish a consultative committee on the terms and conditions of service of teachers.

“Despite several requests, the commission has failed to constitute the committee against the requirement of the law and International Conventions Rule 143(m),” he added.

For the first time, The Kenya Union of Special Needs Education Teachers (KUSNET) has also presented its proposals to TSC, asking for a 50 to 60 percent increment on basic salary.

KUSNET Secretary-General James Torome is also demanding a special allowance of Ksh.15, 000 per month and a guidance allowance of Ksh.30,000.

“All special need education teachers shall be paid a uniform allowance of Sh15, 000 per year,” he said.

The union also wants career progression guidelines to be provided under the code of regulations for teachers.

“Under this agreement, the commission ensures that every teacher under its employment is facilitated to undergo career progression,” said Mr. Torome

KUPPET has, however, said it is ready to engage with the employer when called upon.

“As a union, we have not rejected any proposal by the TSC. We shall discuss and negotiate for a new deal for teachers when called upon,” said KUPPET Secretary-General Akelo Misori

Over the last four years, the 2017-2021 Ksh.54 billion deal has been a source of conflict between KNUT and TSC and has seen teachers under the union denied promotions and salary increment.

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