KNUT boss cautions politicians against spewing anti-CBC remarks

By Amoto Ndiewo

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Garissa branch Executive Secretary, Abdirizak Hussein has called on Kenyan politicians to familiarize themselves with the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in order to refrain from misinforming the public.

He said that it was uncouth for some politicians to lie that teachers were illegally benefiting from  items pupils were taking to school for practical lessons.

“This accusation amounts to incitement, mockery and belittling the noble teaching profession. Politicians should tame their loose tongues and prioritize consulting experts before inciting members of the public against CBC,” he said.

Hussein credited the misinformation and disinformation to ignorance and desperate pursuit of  political mileage.

“The insinuation has not gone down well with the union members. Teachers are financially capable of buying such items for themselves without relying on aid from parents,” he pointed out.

His sentiment comes a month after Kimilii MP Dismus Baraza accused teachers of exploiting parents using CBC as a cash cow. He alleged that teachers had been taking pupils for a ride by asking them to carry chicken and eggs for practical lessons only to end up eating them.

Hussein hailed president Ruto for appointing a task force to review the controversial CBC.

“As a union we are eagerly waiting for the task force to start its work so that we can submit our views for consideration, we are positive that that the recommendation will help refine the curriculum for easier implementation,” he added.

In addition, Hussein called upon the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to fast track the process of deploying more teachers to Garissa.

He further urged the Commission to hasten promotion of deserving teachers who have overstayed in their job groups.

The KNUT boss also called for streamlining of the teachers’ medical cover and consolidation of health delivery for teachers under the scheme to reduce the current acute suffering.

“We want a scheme that won’t limit the number of days a teacher seeks for medical services since one can’t decide how long they will be sick. The number of ailments to be treated should also not be limited,” he added.

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