KNUT asks TSC to keep off its members

By Lydia Ngoolo 

Coming hot on the heels of the shrinking membership, the once giant teachers’ union, the Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT)  has asked the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to keep off their business attributing its downfall to the employer.

The membership has been reported to have reduced from 180, 000 to 31,000 making operations a tall order. This, however, has resulted in the closure of some branch offices.

Speaking after the recently concluded branch elections in Nzaui Makueni County, Vice Secretary-General Esbon Otieno said TSC has been pulling out teachers from KNUT by force.

“We are ready to hold a dialogue with the government to solve the infights which has been there. We are also geared towards holding talks on how to increase teachers’ salaries,” said Otieno. 

He said teachers recognize KNUT as their union and that’s why they came in large numbers to vote for their preferred candidates.

“The other day there were reports that KNUT had 17000 members but when we looked at those who went for elections is more,” he added. 

Onesmus Mainga was elected KNUT Chairman Nzaui branch. Executive Secretary went to Joseph Ngwava. Vice Executive Secretary went to Samuel Mukula, Treasurer Francis Ikwati deputized by Julius Mutula. Gender went to Winfred Masai.

The newly elected Executive Secretary Joseph Ngwava called upon members who quit KNUT to come back. He called upon TSC to reinstate the KNUT register the way it was in 2019 June.

“We can’t work smoothly with these conflicts. Teaching can’t go on well when our union has conflicts,” added Ngwava.

In the Makueni branch, the elections were held at ACK Wote Primary School where Benson Ndambuki retained his position as the Executive Secretary. However, Samuel Mulwa bagged the Chairman position.

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