KNUT asks Sacco to take good care of founders

KNUT asks Sacco

 KNUT asks Sacco to look after its pioneers

KNUT has asked Sacco to ensure they take good care of the pioneers who are now in retirement as they showered praises to the Board of Directors over Imarisha Sacco’s exponential growth, asking them to manage the Sacco’s growth diligently.

While addressing the 34th Annual Delegates Meeting held at the Sacco’s KEBO Plaza, the veteran trade unionist told the current leaders of the society not to forget their founders, many of whom, he said went through a lot of hardships during the formative stages of the society.

“Take time to look at the history of the society and never forget the founders of Imarisha Sacco were members of KNUT. Never forget them as we admit new members from the various sectors in the country,” he added.

KNUT asks Sacco to have future welfare plans

He urged the leadership, as they focus on the future to also ponder on the welfare of their members’ majority who were teachers, several of whom were facing problems like mental health and indulging in alcoholism and drug abuse.

“As a teacher founded organization, let us explore ways and means of establishing rehabilitation for some of our members who are facing mental health issues due to stress which is related to the current economic situation in the country and family challenges,” he observed.

KNUT asks Sacco
KNUT official, Stanley Mutai

Mr. Stanley Mutai who is the immediate former KNUT Executive Secretary for Kericho County and the currently Vice National Chairman  of the national governing council congratulated the current board and staff for a sterling performance but cautioned them to be  alert as challenges may arise as a result of the developments.

“We as founder members of this society wish to take this opportunity to thank you all, the board of directors, staff, delegates and other stakeholders for working towards good performance of the society. However we have a duty to caution alertness for any challenges which may arise to such phenomenal growth. Growth comes with various challenges, “he said.

Mr. Mutai urged them to strive to remain highly competitive in the market saying more efforts should be directed at recruiting new and younger members who will take over as the older generation retires.

He also called on them to exercise transparency and accountability saying the members always were happy when their money is traceable and safe. He urged the entire management to be open and accept positive criticism as it meant good for the society.

By Benedict Ngetich

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