KNLS to promote national cohesion through school children

By Asa Maina

Kenya National Library Service (KNLS), Nyeri branch has started promoting national cohesion among Kenyans through pupils and students.
Ann Mutahi, Information Personnel with KNLS said they are targeting all people in the community with the messages of peace, love and unity.
“This is through inculcating values in children. A young mind is like an empty tape. Anything you tell children, how you behave and how you train them they absorb”, she said. She was speaking during a training session outside their branch in Nyeri Town recently.
During the day, children from different regions, ethnic groups and schools within the county were trained.
“Having a good country and society in future can only be achieved by inculcating positive values to youngsters. Negative ethnicity has greatly dragged our nation’s progress”, Mutahi said.
She blamed politicians for playing a role in fueling disunity when presenting their agenda during campaigns. She called on the leaders to give positive speeches and values when seeking elective seats as they will be left in mind of children and young people.
“Words have power, they are like weapons or poisonous gas thrown into the air,” she noted.
She urged politicians, churches, village elders and administrators to join hands in combating negative ethnicity.
During the event, children were engaged in games and demonstrations symbolising end of tribalism. The agenda was to sensitive them that tribalism brings division and has negative impact in society.

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