KNEC begins hiring exam personnel ahead of KCPE, KCSE 2021

By Education News Reporter

The Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) has embarked on a nomination process for Centre Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators who will be involved in the administration of this year’s Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (KCPE) and Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examinations.

KNEC wrote to the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) requesting it to help in identifying teachers to serve in those positions during the administration of this crucial national exercise.

The Commission in turn urged the County and Sub-County Directors to identify and nominate the Centre Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators who will be engaged in the administration of this examinations and vet them before deploying them to KNEC systems before February 4, 2022.

All Centre Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators are required to register in the KNEC Contracted Professional System (CP2) and be deployed by the TSC Sub County Directors to various examination centres.

“In preparation for the administration of these examinations, the KNEC has requested the Commission to provide the details of all Centre Managers, Supervisors and Invigilators who will be engaged in the activity,” reads one of the memos to County Directors dated January 12, 2022.

KNEC database indicates that 2,056,719 have registered for these examinations, out of which 1,225,693 will sit for KCPE while 831,026 will be writing their final KCSE exams.

According to KNEC timetable, KCPE examination will kick off on March 7, 2022 and will run until March 9, 2022 while KCSE is expected to start on February 28, 2022 and will end on April 1, 2022.

Last year in November, KNEC Chief Executive (CEO) Dr. David Njengere confirmed that the number of candidates sitting the 2021 KCPE examinations has increased by 34,085 compared to the previous year while the number sitting KCSE had increased by 78,424 candidates.

In the 2020 examinations, which were administered in March 2021, the Council used about 286,000 field officers compared to the 170,000 engaged in the 2019 national exams.

In most cases, the primary school heads who act as the centre managers for KCPE exams, normally pocket a daily subsistence allowance of Shs 500 for a total of 4 days (including rehearsal day).

Secondary school principals, who act as centre managers for KCSE exams, earn a daily allowance of Shs 500 during the entire examination period. The highest paid supervisor walks away with a sum total of Shs 12,510 while the highest paid invigilator pockets Shs 9, 860.

Those who normally walk home empty handed are deputy head teachers and deputy principals who in most cases are required to be around to act as Assistant Centre Managers. Teachers handling science subjects also walk away empty handed yet they are required to prepare and administer practicals during the KCSE examinations.

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