Kisii senator vows to ensure all girls acquire quality education

senator education

Nominated Senator Essy Okenyuri has promised to work with education stakeholders to make the life of the girl child better by empowering the girl child with quality education and creating an enabling environment for her growth.

“My office will endeavour to support education for the girlchild by joining hands with like-minded persons,” she said.

Okenyuri was speaking at Kenyenya Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church during the closure of a one-week youth seminar.

She urged the youth to discard the aged notion that confined girls to the kitchen but to instead regard them as their equals.

Noting that girls face a lot of challenges ranging from social discrimination, violence, poverty and their biological make up compared to their male counterparts, she thanked the constitution for creating a level playing ground for both sexes and asked girls to rise and claim their rightful position in society.

“Let our girls across the country gather courage and realize their crucial role as human rights defenders and agents of change,” she said.

She appealed to female leaders across the country ranging from principals, politicians and church leaders to be models to the youth.

The senator asked the youth to join local technical and vocational institutes to acquire critical skills for their own sustenance and for contribution to the economic wellbeing of the county and country.

On his part, 80-year old Pastor Moronya, who is also a member of the Abagusii Council of Elders promised to use his wisdom and experience to harmonize the interdependent relationship between the church and the government to harness the potential of the youth.

By Enock Okong’o

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