Kisii allocates over Ksh130M to education sector

Kisii County Governor Simba Arati being received by Speaker Ohilip Nyanumba and others.

Kisii County Government has set aside Ksh136.1 million to support education development during the 2023-2024 financial year, Governor Simba Arati has revealed.

He said the decision was based on a desire to give quality education that sets a strong base for a prosperous future.

Addressing the public in Kisii town, the governor asked the youth to enrol in the local technical colleges to acquire relevant skills that will help them secure employment in the competitive job market.

“We are living in a world that depends on technology. Those with technical skills stand a better chance of securing employment in the industrial sector,” he said.

The governor released 235 sewing machines to be distributed equally among the 59 technical training institutes in the county.

Arati said his government will equip all TVETs in the county with the help of partners within the county and outside.

Observing that Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) plays a critical role in forming the foundation for a better education later in life, he underscored the greater need to support the sub-sector.

The governor revealed that his government had released Ksh47.3 million from the education budget for the construction of modern workshops in the Technical Training Institutes (TTI).

Governor Simba (middle sitting) releases and signs delivery forms of assorted learning materials to ECDE centres.

Arati added that each of the 45 Wards will get money to construct 3 classrooms in the first phase of the budgetary allocation.

He confirmed that more than 980 ECDE teachers who had been engaged on renewable contracts will now be placed under permanent and pensionable terms.

He promised that his government will pay the teachers according to the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) salary scales to enable them live decent lives.

During the meeting, Arati released books and assorted teaching materials to different ECDE centres in the county.

He asked centre managers to ensure safety of the learning materials by identifying custodial rooms to increase their shelf life.

By our reporter

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