Kirinyaga polytechnics offer home craft courses to empower locals

By Kamundia Muriithi

The county government of Kirinyaga has set up home craft centres in nine vocational training centres in a bid to provide self-employment skills to the youth in the region.

Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru said her government facilitates the training through providing trainers, tools and equipment and that the trainees are not required to pay for the home craft courses.

“The polytechnics impart marketable skills and technical know-how that will enable graduates to fit into contemporary labor markets especially in the informal sector. The skills will also prepare them for self-employment.’ She said.

She revealed that the home craft programme has so far benefitted 1,100 students who have graduated and been certified to open their own businesses using the skills they gained at the centres.

She further revealed that 70 instructors have also been trained on how to conduct the programme.

Kamiigua Polytechnic manager Terrence Njiru said the home craft courses at the centre were introduced to fill the skills gaps that have deterred the local community from engaging in productive income generating activities.

He added that the courses, which are tailor made to fit into the time schedules of trainees, contribute towards rural poverty eradication.

‘These courses lay a foundation for people who would like to pursue higher grade levels. The initiative is also a step towards the realization of the manufacturing pillar of the Big Four Agenda where  locals can make some of the products currently being imported,’ he said during an exhibition at the centre. 

Eunice Maina, who trained for a sewing course at one of the centres, now runs her own business in Kerugoya town. Through the business, she earns her daily bread and creates employment for other women.

Kamiigua, Kimweas, Kibingoti, Nyangati, Kiamikuyu, Kiambatha, Ngucui and Mutitu polytechnics host home craft centres where community members can acquire skills in leatherwork, knitting, beadwork, weaving, soap making and clothes making.

The polytechnics also offer mainstream courses like electrical installation, masonry, garment making, hairdressing and beauty, carpentry and joinery, Computer and ICT short courses, motor vehicle mechanics, metal work and fabrication.

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