Kirinyaga county set to roll out ICT courses in TVET colleges

Kirinyaga County Governor Anne Waiguru.

The county government of Kirinyaga is set to roll out digital space skills courses in all the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) centres in the county to help young people tap into the available online job opportunities.

In preparation for the same, the county government has started training tutors who will offer the courses to students.

The first lot of tutors, drawn from all the 16 TVET centres, has already completed the training conducted by the African Centre for Women, Information and Communications Technology (ACWICT) on digital literacy, freelancing and marketing.

Speaking on behalf of Governor Anne Waiguru during the closing ceremony of the training session, Deputy Governor David Githanda noted that the knowledge the tutors have acquired

will be well utilized to increase the uptake of ICT courses in polytechnics.

“This training has therefore been a timely intervention and is in line with our ICT ambitions. We also expect that our polytechnics will become centers of ICT learning from which the surrounding communities will be imparted with knowledge,” the governor said.

Waiguru said digital platforms provide a wealth of online resources that level the playing field for people who might not otherwise have access to high-quality education.

She noted that her administration has invested in ICT infrastructure in the county’s TVET colleges by establishing fully equipped computer labs with internet access.

To inculcate digital competencies from an early age, Waiguru said the county government is piloting digital literacy in selected ECDE centers, with a plan to eventually roll out the programme in all the centers.

Elizabeth Wanja, head of programmes at ACWICT, stated that there is a need for students to acquire and enhance their freelancing skills before enrolling in colleges or universities in order to secure digital jobs.

Bernadette Wairimu Karanja, a tutor at Kaitheri Polytechnic, noted that integrating ICT into education will make the learning process more interesting.

Ndiriti Polytechnic Principal Nelson Karani said he will utilize the training acquired to increase the student population in the facility and help young people earn money through online jobs.

“The digital marketing course is very marketable and once we roll it out, it’s bound to arouse a lot of interest,” Karani said.

By Caroline Wangechi 

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