Kipsinende TTI proud to begin implementation of Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

(Sponsered content)

By Benedict Ng’etich

Kipsinende Technical Training Institute has put drastic mechanisms in place in preparation for the implementation of Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR).

The Principal Mr. Joseph Mibey said the college was ready to identify, assess and give certification to persons with various technical skills in sectors like Masonry, Plumbing, motorcycle mechanics and others.

He said the Recognition of Prior Learning was a process used to identify, assess and certify a candidate’s knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in non-formal or informal learning, such as work or life experiences, against prescribed standards or learning outcomes.

“We want to alert many people within our community who have knowledge and expertise in various technical fields but are not certified that we are ready to assist them get the required certification.”

Kipsinende TTI

Mr. Mibey said the advantage of this undertaking was enormous, adding that those who will go through the assessment will gain handsomely.

He said for the recognition of prior learning to succeed the institute will bring together various stakeholders in the industry.

The administrator revealed plans by the TTI to open a town campus by January next year where they will offer competency based training courses in mechanics and driving.

On the same note, they aim to establish a garage which will benefit the local community and others from outside.

Mr. Mibey who has served in various institutions in the community and the country says the TTI was aiming at providing a holistic quality education to their students in an effort to produce people who were productive to the society.

The institution is renowned for the high discipline levels exhibited by their trainees which is as a result of their establishment of a robust guidance and counselling department complete with a chaplaincy.

He said the concerted effort by the board of management, staff, students and parents had resulted in the smooth running of the technical college.

The Deputy Principal Administration Mrs. Esther Lagat alluded that the institute is one of the fast-growing public technical institutions in the South Rift whose growth has been primarily inspired by its mission and vision.

The college offers courses in Automotive Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Building and Civil Engineering, ICT, Business Studies, Garment Making and Hair Dressing and Food Technology.

The institute has ultra-modern training equipment for Automotive Engineering courtesy of the Government of Kenya.

“There is comprehensive training in Automotive which is our centre of excellence. The ICT lab is equally equipped. We impart knowledge, skills and embrace positive attitudes in our trainees. Activities are well coordinated among the administration, Registrar’s office, dean and heads of department and sections.” She said

Kipsinende TVC has a staff of 66 members. Among these 18 are employed by the Public Service Commission (PSC) and 19 by the BOG whereas the rest are non-teaching staff. We embrace teamwork, hard work and selflessness as key to excellence.

The institute which can comfortably accommodate 1500 trainees is seeking to increase its population to 3000 trainees to promote the 100% transition.

The institute is aligning its training programmes to the county government and National government development plan in order to realise the Government’s Big Four Agenda and Vision 2030.

The deputy principal academics Mr. Paul t. Sitienei who oversees implantation of the curriculum with strict adherence to academic policy procedures said he is always in close consultations with other institutions to benchmark with them  to ensure that only the best practises are applied in day to day running of the academic affairs.

“The policy ensures harmony in academic operations leading to excellent trainees’ performance in our institution. Research and Innovation are also among the duties of my office. We do this in close collaboration with the five Academic departments. The Research and Innovation transform our trainees and mentor them to apply technology by developing innovations responsive to societal needs.” Said Mr. Sitienei.

He added that his docket is at the forefront in nurturing partnerships with Kenya Education for Employment Program (KEFEP), industry and TVET Curriculum Development Accreditation and Certification (CDACC) towards development of skill based and industrial relevant Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) courses.

The TTI is working towards shifting from Knowledge based programs to Competency Based Education and Training (CBET) beginning with Motorcycle mechanics.

The college has state of the art modern upgraded facilities and equipment that were supplied by the Chinese Government in collaboration with Kenyan Government through the Ministry of Education, State Department of Vocational and Technical Training.

In a bid to live up to its dream of being a Centre of Excellence in Automotive Engineering, the college looks forward to the utilisation of equipment by offering programs revolving around the machines and equipment.

“My office wishes to encourage the trainers, support staff and trainees to cultivate a good academic culture that would lead to academic excellence.

We have adopted teamwork among the trainees aimed at attaining sustainable academic performance and uphold academic integrity. Motivation of trainees, support staff and trainers is our strong point towards the establishment of a fertile ground for academic excellence to thrive.” He reiterated

Mr. Sitienei added that, “I strongly acknowledge the role played by the industry and other stakeholders that contribute immensely towards meeting our objective.

New standards of industrial attachment and internship contribute positively towards Vision 2030. The office of Deputy Principal encourages trainees to prioritise attachments as one of the key requirements to make them adaptive and employable in the industry.”

The college appreciates the role played by individuals, corporate and the government agencies towards funding, sponsorship and trainees’ programs support.

“We thank God the Almighty for the far he has taken us and look forward to further tremendous progress.With God’s help and unmerited favour we pledge to do so and expect also to play a major role in actualizing Kenya’s vision 2030.” He stated

Mr. Sitienei saluted all those who made KSTVC what it is now and said they look forward to the future with renewed zeal and anticipation.

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