Kibwezi Knut official cautions candidates over exam cheating

By Lydia Ngoolo 

Kibwezi branch Knut chairman, Christopher Kitua has called upon the government to ensure those involved in exam cheating face the law.

Kitua was speaking at Makindu town where he expressed his joy that exam cheating has reduced compared with the past.” “But there are still people who cannot stop it unless they are arrested,” he said.

“As a matter of fact, there are those who lie to candidates and their parents that they have exam leakage. I am calling upon all candidates to avoid such people like plaque. They are only there to confuse and con you and take your money. Revise and wait for exams courageously but avoid such people,” he added.

As he inspected primary schools during sitting rehearsal, Education cabinet secretary George Magoha warned that any exam irregularity will not be condoned.

He called upon parents to give the candidates ample time they require for their success.

The Knut boss urged invigilators, centre managers,  principals, headteachers, security team and other education stakeholders to collaborate for smooth examination period.

He called for total adherence of Covid-19 protocols during exams period.

“I call upon parents to kindly make sure their children are provided with masks and if possible surgical. Again I am sure there will be no social distancing challenges since the candidates are the ones remaining in schools alone with all required space,” added Kitua.

The Chairman urged teachers to make sure that those girls sitting for the exams while pregnant are not stigmatized by the others. “Be kind to them and show them love and care they need. Even those who might deliver during the exams let them continue with their exams after they deliver,” he added.

He however said the wave of burning schools had escalated and called for surveillance  by security team,  principals, BoMs and watchmen.

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