Kiambu teacher stabbed to death after a bar brawl

George Osur, Deputy Sub-County Commander, Kiambu East. Photo Felix Wanderi

By Felix Wanderi

A 30 year old Kiambu High School teacher was yesterday night stabbed and later pronounced dead at Kiambu Level Five Hospital. The deceased was involved in a fight that ensued after imbibing in a bar where he was stabbed on the neck with a shattered beer bottle.

According to an eye witness, the victim, Edwin Gichuki after taking beer in a bar within Kirigiti center with other revelers got suspicious that someone wanted to steal from him, leading to a scuffle.

“He felt like someone was entering into his pockets to steal from him and he angrily started beating up a man who he suspected to be the thief,” said the witness.

The witness said that the fight escalated to a point where the suspected thieve picked an abandoned beer bottle from the fence, shattered it and used to stab the teacher before fleeing the scene.

Another witness by the name Njambi says she found the victim lying unconscious in a pool of blood as people were desperately trying to offer first aid while awaiting for assistance.

“There were a lot of people crowding to see what had happened, a man was lying on the ground while oozing blood from the neck and some people were trying to help him before the police arrived to take him to hospital,” she said.

George Osur, the Deputy Sub-county commander of Kiambu East while confirming the incident said that at around 8pm Monday, a disagreement ensued between Gichuki and another person known as Maina over an unknown issue at Kirigiti trading center where in the process Maina ended up stabbing Gichuki.

“The suspect was traced and arrested within the Riabai area. He has been placed in custody pending investigations and the body of the victim was moved to Kiambu Level Five Hospital mortuary awaiting autopsy,” he said.

The Deputy Commander said that they are treating the matter as a murder case with the DCI Kiambu pursuing the matter before the suspect is produced in court.

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