Kericho KNUT branch official vows to reinstate union membership if elected

By Our Reporter

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) Kericho Branch Executive Secretary Stanley Mutai has vowed to remove all the cases filed in court and reinstate its membership to 200,000 within the first 100 days if he wins the forthcoming election.

Speaking to Education News moments before the start of the KNUT Executive Secretaries meeting for all branches in Kenya in Nakuru today, Mutai said that Wilson Sossion has destroyed the union by filing so many cases in court hence dragging the union into problems.

“You cannot lead this great union by fighting the government. I am going to withdraw all the cases Sossion has filed in court and reinstate the membership to 200,000. I have been in this union for over 30 years and I know the tricks,” said Mutai.

Mutai added that if he won’t reinstate Knut membership to 200,000 members then he will have to resign.

“Teachers should know that I am here to bring the union to its roots, and if I will not reinstate the membership to 200,000 members then I will have to resign as the Secretary General,” added Mutai.

Mutai said despite Sossion frustrating him by filing court cases on him, removing him from Executive Secretary’s position for Kericho Branch and on the basis of his age, he will face him in the forthcoming election and sure of a win.

“I am going to win this election and allow our brother Sossion to serve ODM since he is no longer loyal to KNUT,” added Mutai 

The Executive Secretaries are meeting in Nakuru among other issues toping the agenda being their welfare considering that a number of them have gone 18 months without a salary.

“Our children have been kicked out of school and other tertiary institutions since we can’t afford to pay the fees, some of us we have listed with CRB, in short all is not well,” said one of the Executive Secretary who spoke to Education News during the meeting.

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