Kericho governor calls for urgent interventions to tame strikes in secondary schools


Kericho County Governor has called for an urgent meeting with Principals and Boards of Management (BoMs) of all schools in the county to brainstorm on interventions to tame the rising cases of school unrests.

Dr. Erick Mutai said that the meetings aim to look at the root causes of the unrests witnessed in several secondary schools, as well as come up with measures to mitigating the same.

The county boss was speaking at Litein High School grounds during this year’s Madaraka Day celebrations where he added that his administration will extend support to all schools that have been hit by strikes recently.

“I know there was property that was destroyed here at Litein High School and also in Cheptenye Secondary and we are coming to help,” he said.

Dr. Mutai added that the annual County Education Day will be revived.

Bureti MP Mr. Kibet Kirui Komingoi attributed the school unrests to drug abuse and urged the security apparatus in the county to gather information on drug peddlers in learning institutions and arrest them.

Komingoi regretted the destruction of property witnessed in affected saying that the penalties meted against parents was very painful and stern action should be taken against individuals who instigate such strikes.

By Benedict Ngetich

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