Kenyans asked to embrace new higher education funding model

KCA University Chancellor Prof Olive Mugenda making her address during the University's 15th graduation ceremony.

The Chancellor of KCA Professor Olive Mugenda has urged Kenyans to thoroughly examine the government’s new university and college funding model before rushing to criticize it.

Speaking during KCA University’s 15th graduation ceremony, where 4051 students were conferred with degrees and diplomas, Prof. Mugenda insisted that the government has well-intentioned plans for all students, regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds.

“Vulnerable students receive 100% government funding through scholarships and loans, while those deemed less needy get 93%, with families contributing a 7% share,” she stated.

KCA University Chancellor Prof Olive Mugenda and Vice Chancellor Prof Isaiah Wakindiki join students in a jig during the University’s 15th graduation ceremony

Additionally, the Professor emphasized that the government has introduced loans to ease the financial strain on parents, who will only be required to pay nominal fees.

She pointed out that similar loan systems are successfully implemented in other countries, including the United States.

Graduands during KCA University 15th graduation ceremony.

Prof. Mugenda further encouraged graduates to embrace courage and confidence as they enter the job market.

She emphasized the importance of graduates creating networks and pursuing opportunities, whether in employment or entrepreneurship.

The University’s Vice Chancellor Professor Isaiah Wakindiki expressed concern about the acute shortage of professors in the country.

With only about 1000 professors nationwide, he emphasized the need for more academic leaders to mentor scholars, fearing its potential impact on the quality of education and research.

Additionally, the Deputy Executive Director at UN-HABITAT Ambassador Dr. Michal Mlynar, received an honorary degree for his contributions to education and economic development globally.

Dr. Mlynar pledged support to the university in preparing students for the evolving technological world.

By Kamau Njoroge

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