Kenya Education Fund appoints new Managing Director

By Obegi Malack

The Kenya Education Fund (KEF) has announced the appointment of Dominic Muasya as its new Executive Director.

Muasya has been with KEF since its founding more than 20 years ago where he started as a volunteer and later as a full-time employee.

As KEF’s Country Director, he has successfully implemented KEF’s mission while steering the organization’s students and increasing its impact.

He takes over from KEF’s founder Bradley Broder who passed away earlier this year.

“As a steady and compelling advocate for KEF, we are confident that Mr. Muasya has the vision, capabilities and dedication to grow the organization,” said Mittie Rooney, Chairwoman KEF – US board.

Rooney said the organization looks forward to his leadership as he continues to move KEF forward and impact education in Kenya.

Muasya said he is ready to serve the organization which has come a long way having started with only one student.

“I am honored to take this appointment. As I steer this ship to new horizons, I am optimistic that together we shall continue providing a bridge to better lives and breaking the cycle of poverty. I believe that everyone can be self-reliant through education.” he said adding that the task ahead was enormous and he required everyone to work together as a team.

He noted that those who have passed through the programme have been transformed but the communities still need support.

KEF provides economically disadvantaged students in Kenya with scholarships, support and educational resources for them to improve their lives and communities.

Since its founding, KEF has provided education to more than 4,000 young Kenyans who now support themselves and their communities.

In 2022 alone, the foundation has offered more than 320 Form One student scholarships.

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