Kenya Coast National Polytechnic ranked best in performance contracting evaluations

By Tindi Kuchio

Kenya Coast National Polytechnic (KCNP) was recently ranked the best National Polytechnic and the third best performing tertiary institution in the country during the 2020/2021 Public Service Performance Evaluations.

The evaluations were done by the Public Service Performance Management and Monitoring Unit (PSPMMU) through the Government Performance Contracting Information System (GPCIS).

KCNP Chief Principal Anne Mbogo during an interview.

KCNP had a composite score of 2.5544 and came third after Thika and Katine Technical Training institutions which had composite scores of 2.4376 and 2.5255 respectively.

It was closely followed by Friends College, Kaimosi in the fourth position with 2.5684 composite score, while Michuki TTI came fifth with a composite score of 2.5701.

Other tertiary institutions among the top ten were Nairobi TTI (2.5814), Meru National Polytechnic (2.6824), Karumo TTI (2.7165), Aldai TTI (2.7433) and the Nyeri National Polytechnic (2.7556). All the above institutions were placed in the “Very Good” category.

In academics, KCNP emerged the second best after Eldoret National Polytechnic, increasingly demonstrating its readiness to mould competent professionals in different fields.

To further build a rich reservoir of knowledge, skills and expertise, KCNP took part in the 5th edition of Kenya Association of Technical Training Institutions (KATTI) TVET Fairs, Innovations, Research Paper Presentation and Robotics competition that was held at Kinoru Stadium in Meru County from 23rd to 27th May, 2022.

Some of the innovations it presented include Poly-pesticides for high yield food production, Sickness MED System and Covid -19 Infographics.

Others were Beach Cleaner, Convertible multifunctional serving tablespoon, RF- based fault monitoring system and Trendy protection.

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